Boot Scootin' Boogie on over to CRE Fall Festival's Rodeo At The Reef!  It's sure to be an evening packed with fun! Best of all, admission is FREE!


LOCATION: CRE PE Field. Please enter through the Circular Drive.


What to expect?

  • Games
  • DJ
  • Dancing
  • Photo-Ops
  • Food for purchase by our 5th Grae Committee. Cash or credit accepted.
  • Trunk-Or-Treat with candy distribution starting at 5:30pm until supplies last. 


What to wear?

This year's theme is "Rodeo At The Reef" and we would love for everyone to come dressed in Western/Cowboy/Cowgirl attire. However, Children may come dressed in Non-scary costumes if they prefer. No masks or props will be allowed. Please use your best judgment. 





Classroom Vehicles

We encourage to have at least one vehicle per classroom or grade-level. The more, the better! 

Vehicles can be cars, golf carts, UTVs, etc. 


Trunk-Or-Treat Decorations

Please DO NOT decorate your vehicle scary or spooky. We recommend fun, friendly, and possibly western-style to go with this year's theme. 


Trunk-Or-Treat Set-up time and location

Vehicles will be allowed to enter through the field at 4:00pm to allow for set-up. Vehicles must be ready and set-up by 5:00pm for safety purposes.


Trunk-Or-Treat Candy Start Time

Candy distribution will start at 5:30PM until supplies last. 


Trunk-Or-Treat Contest

Voting will commence at 5:30PM and winners will be announced at 7:00pm. 


Candy Classroom Collection:

Candy Drive will take place from October 14th to October 29th. Please deliver candy to your classrooms. They will be collected by parent volunteers and evenly distributed the day of Fall Festival. 

For safety and allergy reasons, only Nut-Free and Non-Chocolate Candy will be accepted.